Friday, August 25, 2006

End of My Second Week Here

Well, I guess it's official. Today was the end of my first week at my new job. Good news - I think I like it. (This is where I typed a bunch of job stuff, remembered my confidentiality agreement and deleted it. I'm sure it was fine as there was no patient information or mention of company policy, but hey, you never know.)

So the only thing that sucks about my job is the getting there! The bus system out here is not good at all - it takes at least 2 buses to get anywhere. On my very first day my bus got stuck in a traffic jam due to an accident and I ended up missing my connection. So I decided to take a cab to make sure I wasn't late. Not on my first day! Coming home is very annoying as I have a 20 minute wait for my second bus. Not that it would make a difference, but I should write translink and ask them to run that bus every 15 minutes instead of every half hour. Every time I take it, it's packed full, barely any standing room left.

I haven't done much else this week, just a few things around my new place. Tomorrow I plan to join the gym and get a library card. Buy some curtain rods to make living room curtains. Still need to get my bike tire fixed. I'm also planning to visit my grandmothers as I haven't seen them yet. Sounds like a thrilling weekend!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've been late my first day for three of my last four jobs. And it's never been my fault! Well, my fault I'm retarded, maybe. But not my fault!

At Telus I remembered 'I have to go to the pink building'. So I ended up at Canada Place. At Convergys I got on the bus going the wrong way. At the iron ho the door was locked. And at whitematter... well, I was on time. Drew didn't show up for an hour though ;)
