Sunday, November 05, 2006

Great week, although I spent a lot of it in traffic. Glad I decided to live closer to work because I could not do a long commute every day.

I went to up my parents on Hallowe'en and handed out candy to the 45 trick or treaters that came to their door. One little girl really stood out - I was wearing my old witch/vampire/Hades dress from 1995 and she was so excited that we were both dressed as witches. Some of the pumpkins did not survive a weekend of shrinkage but my dad put most of them out in the yard and they looked great. He got a lot of compliments on his decorations.

On Thursday, I went to my parents again for a birthday of chinese food and ice cream cake (sooo yummy). It was great having a birthday dinner with my family and my grandmothers - first time in 11 years. I got lovely presents too, several books and videos and a 19" LCD monitor!! Anyone need a perfectly functional 16" (I think. Is that an actual size?) old style (CRT?) AOC monitor? It would help a lot if you were in BC though... *L* Rod also gave me his old cd drive to replace my broken one so my computer is actually in complete working order for the first time in months. And there is space on my desk!

Saturday, I went to a party at Shivauna's house, met some more new people. Yay, socialness! Much fun was had.

I start my sessions with a personal trainer (decided I needed someone to yell at me, motivation is currently lacking) in the morning so I should go to bed.

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